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Past events

Recent events Unison conference fringe meeting – June 2005
Conference meeting with Bob Oram of Unison’s NEC and Peter Gustavsson.

PCS conference fringe meeting – June 2005
Conference meeting with Ian Davidson MP and Sue Bond, PCS vice-president.

Building a social Europe? – March 2006
Debating the left’s view of the EU Constitution with Arnaud Montebourg, French socialist MP, Steve Bell from the CWU and Labour MP Kelvin Hopkins.

Lessons from the Swedish euro referendum – February 2005
Breakfast briefing meeting with Peter Gustavsson, former director of the Swedish no campaign.

The Polish referendum on the EU Constitution – January 2005
Breakfast briefing meeting with Adrian Zandberg, president of the Polish Union of Labour youth.

Will the Danes say no again? – December 2004
Breakfast briefing meeting with Trine Mach, spokesperson from Danish June Movement.

How will the Netherlands vote? – November 2004
Breakfast briefing meeting with Harry van Bommel, Dutch socialist MP and parliamentary spokesman on European affairs.